Ur b a n D i a r y
chronicles the life and thoughts of an anonymous urban citizen. Its origins are obscure, its true meaning known only to its original owner. The recurring themes of Urban Diary are control, faith, desire, and obsession.

Think of Urban Diary as something that has come into your hands accidentally; something lost or perhaps abandoned. You may have picked it up off a wet sidewalk, or found it lying on the seat of a downtown bus. Navigation tip: many of the images on the diary pages, as well as most circled items, are clickable links. After viewing page one, try clicking the page number in the bottom right corner.


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If you have visited before, and wish to go directly to a particular page, you may prefer to use the index.

Urban Diary relies on rather large graphical maps that average 100k. Refer to the technical notes and navigation tips for more information, including a simple tutorial on how to navigate with these graphical maps.

The content you find here is free. You are welcome to re- distribute anything, so long as you give credit to it's original source and creator. Urban Diary was first published at Urban Desires, Volume 1, Issue 2, January 1995.